Contact Lenses – Edinboro, PA

Need new contact lenses?

At 9-1-1 Vision Express in Edinboro, PA, we can fill your contact prescription. We can also fill your eyeglass prescription or repair eyeglasses.

Note: We do not perform eye exams or contact fittings at our shop. Please bring valid prescription from your eye doctor to put in your order.  Prescriptions cannot be older than 1 year.

Hygiene for Contact Lenses

According to the CDC, “Proper contact lens care is important for keeping your eyes healthy and free from infection.” The first step to proper hygiene is often a multipurpose solution, which is essential for daily cleaning and disinfecting. Try to store your contacts in fresh solution each and every time you remove them. The CDC tells contact wearers to avoid “topping off” solution, as in mixing fresh solution with used solution. Prevent germ buildup in your contact case by emptying the excess solution, drying it with a tissue, and then storing the case upside down on another clean tissue.  

If you are allergic to anything in a multipurpose solution (such as a preservative), you can also try a hydrogen peroxide-based system. Be careful with this option. Never put this solution directly in your eyes, as it will cause irritation or worse. Follow all instructions on the product box when cleaning your contacts. Often, you have to wait between 4-6 hours after placing contacts into a hydrogen peroxide-based system, explains the CDC.  

Follow all instructions from your eye doctor, and from the packaging, about how long you can wear your contacts. Wearing them for longer than instructed will increase risk of infection.  

Contact Lenses Pricing

Pricing for your contact lenses will depend on brand, quantity and your insurance. We will be transparent about cost and allow you to contact your insurance company before purchasing.

Visit us today at
9-1-1 Vision Express

If you need help ordering contacts, we’re here to assist the Edinboro, PA community. Come visit us at our location in the Edinboro mall.